Wednesday, 1 December 2010

How has entertainment and leisure changed? Who had the most fun?

We spend lots of time and money on our entertainment and leisure.  We like to enjoy ourselves and have fun.  In this blog you have the opportunity to explore, discuss and argue your point of view about how entertainment and leisure has changed over history.  The best post will be judged over the next month. Try to:

§  Compare and contrast entertainment and leisure pursuits and make links between different historical periods.
§  Analyse the reasons why leisure and entertainment developed and changed.
§  Explain how factors like money, trade, technology and industrialisation changed entertainment and leisure.
§  Give details, reasons and evidence to support your opinions.


muryam 1. said...
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muryam 1. said...

entertainment has changed because in the past there was no games or phone to play with now a day we have everything like iphones, PS3,x box etc.
I think that the Victorians had the most fun because the invented lots of stuff and before that period nothing was invented

s@fi@ kh@n said...

Entertainment and leisure changed throughout the past as technology was developing. Inventions such as the light bulb, the railway, mobile phone and films (invented in the Victorian Era) allowed people to travel to entertainment, have entertainment whenever they wanted, and both men and women could participate. Because of this I would choose modern day for having the best entertainment as there is a vast improvement in today’s technology allowing many gadgets to be made.

muryam 1. said...
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Anonymous said...

Entertainment and leisure has changed throughout time because technology is devolping .For example the Victorians were able to invent useful things for themselves and they are still enjoyed by people today, inventions like Trains, films, telephones, and even light bulbs. These are all types of entertainment we still use today. The Victorians were able to invent these things because they had the technology. Technology has also devoloped from the past to modern day, we now have things like mobile phones, television, games consoles e.c.t.
I think that that the Medieval children had the most fun. This is because there were lots of street entertainers around, any time, any city ,or town, whether you were rich or poor you were still allowed to participate. Medieval children had the chance to enjoy many fun entertainers there were Jesters,singers,dancers,comedians,clowns,acrobats,jugglers,actors,and the best of all Punch and Judy shows!. There were also many activities to enjoy, such as Jousting ,fairs ,sewing sports, hawking ,festivals ,and plays. And that is why i think medieval children had the most fun!.By Anam 7R

Miss Shaheen said...

Well done, excellent comment Anam. Technology has had a positive impact on leisure directly and indirectly. Technical innovations and new machinery has enabled people to have more leisure time.

Good point about medieval leisure and access to street entertainment. Think about how commercial entertainment has become now. There are few opportunities to enjoy free street entertainment.

Maaria-Amir said...

modern day is better thanks to victorians which invented all of these things such as light bulb telephone trains cars which they called automobiles imagine if there was no such thing as victorian we would have to invent them if we were victorian it would be better then other periods in the past because we would have more fun yet Modern is the best :)

Maaria-Amir said...

If we were in olden times few periods ago we are all used to modern day they may have enjoyed it maybe a few but we won't be used to it so if there was a period modern and victorian

Miss Shaheen said...

Good points made Safia about how technology has improved entertainment today. Think about the role of the government and how they influence leisure.

Now year 7 lets hear some original thoughts. Don't just copy the really good comments from Safia and Anam.

Has entertainment become safer? Is it less gory? How has the location and setting changed?


Entertainment changed because we have new technology and we have leisure centres which let us interact more friendlier. We discover new games everyday which are addictive. Nowadays kids like to sit around and play on the computer, PS3 and x box ect. That's how much tachnology has developed.
I think the Greeks had the most fun and were important because they discovered the olympic games.

s@fi@ kh@n said...

The government has a major role influencing us in leisure. They have spent a huge amount of money targeted all age groups and people with different kinds of illnesses to take part in swimming lessons and gym fitness lessons. Many people are afraid to do these lessons because of the money, but being allowed to do it for free all people can take part in the fun activities but, at the same time stay healthy.

Maaria-Amir said...

If you notice things are getting better and better from past and present even when greeks would sound disgusting if you think about the entertainment they can actually be better then ours. Just Because thier was no technology that does not mean life was boring Sometimes You Can Get Sick Of Games And Get Quite Bored Think about what people did in the past and if it sounds interesting have a go it won't do harm like make your own puppet show or make your own role play they maybe fun sadly for past their was not always entertainment their was work and all sorts of things and if you were a greek boy and just the of a baby they will check if you are fit and if you are not they will leave you on a mountain

-●ƒαℓѕкιι●- 7R said...

Now in these days technology is better than the olden times, For example the Victorians were able to invent useful things for themselves and they are still enjoyed by people today, inventions like Trains, films, telephones, and even light bulbs.
Now in these days we still play or do things what people used to do in the olden days, nowhere days we have latest phones like iphone, sony erricson, motrola and in them days they'll have a phone sucha s heavy as a BRICK.

Saba Zulfqar said...

Entertainment has changed, like nowadays we have all this digital things but before you woudn't.
We have ps2's, Playstations, Tv's , Etc but in the past there was nothing digital to play with.

I think the victorians had the most fun because in there time period a lot of new things had been invtentid and some of the things are popular but just more improved.

$h@hr!@r said...

Entertainment has changed because as the days go past inventors and scientists are getting more stronger. If this happens than Entertainment will develop. for example Victorians liked to go on a train to go to other places, also they liked to run about to enjoy themselves.
However in the 21st Centuary (the best time period so far) there are better things. For example, the X-BOX 360, PS3, PSP, WII, Nintendo DSI, etc.
You can see how Entertainment and Lesuire has devolopt through time.

$h@hr!@r said...

I love the 21st centuary. This is because the technology is really good.
The 21st Centuary (the best time period so far) has this much technology because of the Victorians.
In Victorian times there were lots of good inventors. E.g- Sir Isaak Newton etc.
These people started to invent things for Entertainment, The 21st cntuary carried this on until present.
So Victorians had started good entertainment.

ikram khan said...

You are all right about the changes it has sencierly changed our lives of entertainment if hese classic and clever inventions were not invented our life will be bored.
As you all know we can make inventions ourselves, there entertainment used to be excutions and jesters e.t.c. but know we have the T.V, PSP, Toys and more and more games.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Entertainment and lesiure has changed and the reason for that is technology. Technology has devoleped over the period of time. I thnk that over the period of time the victorians had the most fun because of the inventions they had made such as the light bulb, the telephone.etc.The victorian inventions did help the modern days if the victorians did not invent light bulbs we would be sitting in the dark and if they did not invent telephones how would we be able to phone people.
so thank to the victoians who made our lives easier with their inventions.
Taiba Akhtar

Anonymous said...
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ZAnum786 said...

I think that entertainment and leisure has changed because of technology.I think that modern days have the most fun because they have more technology then any other period.

shamyla said...

the technology has been devolped throughout time was the technology and the games.
The people that had the most fun in the past was the victorians because they had lots of inventions and also did festivals.

ikram khan said...

Before then if I was in the past i would be bored but the inventions have improved our minds the word INVENTION was not known that time. but as new people were born or scientists were given the brain to INVENT stuff that was out of the world now in the owrld.

ikram khan said...

i mean in this world!!!

s@fi@ kh@n said...

Nowadays for entertainment it is not just in the markets or at home or even at the theatre. We can go abroad to other countries by ship or mainly aeroplane (which wouldn't have been used in the past). There are also theme parks like Drayton Manor or we could go to the Sea Life Centre or Safari. There are so many locations for entertainment and this is because there is a lot more entertainment today- that does not always include technology like the Safari for example.
Also the entertainment that is not always at home or on the streets usually tends to be the more fun and exciting types of entertainment. For example, would you rather watch a juggler on the street or watch lions, giraffes and monkeys right in front of you when you go on a Safari? I know what I would choose...

s@fi@ kh@n said...

In the past people would go around to their friends and families houses to talk to them but, nowadays people just text or email. Also in the past families spent a lot of time together, playing games or just talking to each other but, today’s people are too busy on computers ,playing with gadgets and watching TV, which has reduced families socializing with each other.

muryam 1. said...

i think that the Victorians had a lot off fun because they had new stuff coming out like auto Mobil and light bulb and the railway. the Victorian thought that the railway helped them a lot because it meant people would have more jobs and food will get cheaper and in those day like if a new game came out they would get so happy over it and if you show that game now the person would say what a crap game .

however i still think that modern day are having the best entertainment because new stuff are coming out like every day

Anonymous said...

Has Entertainment become safer, is it less gory?
Yes entertainment has become less gory. This is because people do not enjoy gruesome events anymore. But in the past many people enjoyed gruesome events like Gladiator fights. The emperors spent a lot of money on the gladiators only because they loved violence . Entertainment included the factor of 'gore' and watching physical pain inflicted on others .Ancient Romans loved it because it was the only entertainment around .Technology wasn't at all advanced so they did not have the pleasure of simply watching TV . Entertainment is safe today because it is designed so no one gets hurt ,And if it involved violence you would have to deal with the law and it's consequences.

Anonymous said...

How has the setting and location changed?
In the past entertainment usually was to place outside as indoor facilities for games were not so good, but nowadays most people choose to stay indoors and play games or watch TV and entertainment featuring 'sport' outdoors is becoming less popular as the nation is getting more lazy as a result of the advancements in technology and being able to afford luxuries such as games consoles.

zubairmohammed said...

entertainment has changed because no scientist has found something called electricity . then people would have been working even children in mines while the machine were still running (I feel so sorry for them kids)

Saba Zulfqar said...

When electricity wasnt created kids/ children at younge age had to do hard work.. this is because they were much smaller and could get alot done.. they had to start working in places such as factorys and become cole miners, but when electricty was created they had freedom.. thats what i call child labour

muryam 1. said...

entertainment has improved dramatically because of has given us the chance to improve and further in to things .without technology life would be the same .technology has changed many stuff like phones when before they used to be at least 30 cm big now they are atleast 9 cm.this shows the level of effort that the workers put into creating these fantastic the past like Anam has mentioned the medieval had street entertainers to keep them going for the day this would mean that they would go out and have fun with their friends but now we have computers and game consoles everyone is just staying in and no-one is going out to enjoy themselves this also means consequences because staying inside all day would harm the body.people before would beg for money and work their ***** off just to bring some food home but nowadays people just are staying home because of our new technology and think that money grows on trees but it doesn't they have to work for it just like the medieval did.

-●ƒαℓѕкιι●- 7R said...

Oh theSe days are better because theres iPod touches and iPhones and Theres game consoles.

sohcahtoa said...

wowwwwww good ideas